Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's getting cold!!

It's almost Christmas. I am so excited. I hope everyone is well. We are doing great. Avery is getting so big and talking so much. Well, lots of baby noises and so many smiles. Its so fun being a mom.

Look at my cute baby!!!!

We were so excited today because it was raining and Avery got to wear her rain boots for the firtst time. SO CUTE!!

Ok, seriously, check out this outfit. One of the peditricians I used to work for got it for her in Mexico. I guess some old lady was knitting it. We took her to the ward Christmas party in it. I thought she totally looked like a lamb. Which was perfect because everyone was supposed to dress up like they were from the time of Jesus. She was so cute. Its pretty safe to say she will never wear it again, but it was definently a one time thing.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

December update

Well, its finally starting to get cold here in Hanford. Which means that Christmas is coming. Yeah!! I am pretty excited. Avery is getting so big. She is such a good baby and every day she gets funner and funner. I cannot believe she is almost 4 months old. We decided that we are going to start rice cereal on Christmas. Not that she needs to get any fatter, but common. I seriously need to get a picture of this baby's fat, because it is intense. I love her so much. It is so fun to see how much she changes every day.

Its safe to say that its getting cold now. Good thing fat is good insulation.
Avery and her Christmas horse that she "does not know about yet". Not like she will remember or anything. I just could not resist taking some pictures.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Turkey Day!

Well, this year we headed up to Sacramento for Thanksgiving. We left at 10 pm so that Avery would sleep in the car. It worked like a charm. We had tons of fun hanging out with Jeffs family and we had a great Thanksgiving dinner. While we were in Sac we got to hang out with all my old room mates from school. The pic on the right in Avery and Zoe. She is my room mate Janelle's baby and is about 7 months old. How cute!

This is Jeffs family all at the table feasting on some dang good food.

All ready for bed after a busy day. She finally fits her bunny slippers. My dad got those for her and I can remember putting them on her when she was first born and her ankles looked like sticks coming out of the ends of the slippers. Now they fit.. Yeah.

I decided to give Avery a bath in the sink. It just seemed easier than in the tub. Look at all those rolls!!!
I am not so good at remembering to post on our blog. So this is whats new with our family. Avery is 3 months now and is getting cuter every day. I love how much she smiles, especially in the morning. I am still staying home with her and am loving being a mommy. We are also moving on the 10th of December to a nicer, bigger house. I am so excited to finally set up a nursery for Avery and have room for all of our stuff. Life is great for all of us. We are excited for Christmas. It is my favorite holiday, so we are going to be staying here in Hanford with my family. I hope everyone is doing well!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Ok, I know these are not family pictures, but come on. They should be. Anyways, in the abscence of new family pics, here are some really cute bulldogs I helped deliver. We did just take some dang cute fam pictures and I cant wait to get them back so I can show everyone. Oh, and the big picture up top is my two sisters and I in Mexico. I know its huge. Thats so you all can enjoy it more.

Ok, so I love bulldogs. This picture was taken when I worked for a Vets office here in town. One of the vet techs was breeding her bulldog and they have to be delivered by C-section, so, I totally got to help. It was so cool. This is a picture of me in a kennel holding a puppy at about 4 wks.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fun Project

So, since I am staying home with Avery. Its been fun to do some baby projects. One on them is doing these plaques. They are so cute. Anyways, here they are. (Janelle, these are the ones!!)


Today was Avery's 2 month shots. Ouch!! She is getting so big. She was 12.4 lbs today and 23 3/4 inches. Which puts her in the 90th % for weight and 75th% for length. I felt so bad because she looked so sad after her shots. She has pretty much been sleeping since. When she wakes up she just cries. I know her poor legs just hurt. Anyways, here are some pics.
Just hanging out. She doesn't even know whats coming.
Not very happy after the shots. Her poor legs. Good thing shes got some meat on those bones because it could have been a whole lot worse.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Blessing Day

Avery with her mamma and Aunt Corin
Avery with grammy and grampa Todd

Avery with Grandma and Grampa Silvester.

Going to the car on our way to church.

Blessing Day!!! Yeah. She was so cute in her little white dress. We had all of Jeffs family down for her blessing. It was really nice to see everyone and for Avery to see her new relatives.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

This needs to happen to every mom!

So, I have officially been pooped on. I was changing Avery's diaper the other day and she waited for the best time and then up and pooped on my hand. I have to admit, I literally screamed and Jeff had to take over so I could go wash my hands. It was so funny. I was noticing as I was putting pictures up for everyone that I have very few pictures of Avery and I. I guess I am always the one holding the camera. I really need to fix that. Some advice for all the moms out there, hand the camera to someone else and get some candids with your baby's!! Halloween was fun for us. It was the first time that we left Avery and went out. It was hard for me but she did just fine with grammy and grampa. Anyways, I hope everyone had a good holiday. We send our love/

A litte backtracking

She never unclenches those fists. Shes a born boxer!

This is out little bananna. She went to see daddy at the office. She was swimming in her costume. The poor thing hated it.

This is my cute baby on Halloween.

Avery hanging out with her papa.

I just could not resist. She fit so good in the pot.

IF only I could figure out how to rotate this picture. But check out her double chin. It cracks me up.

Her feet are so little. Well, they are actually big for a newborn, but still so cute and small. She has big hands too. Taking after her mamma.

They always sleep when you want them to wake up. Here is Avery on her first day of church and she is totally konked out!

This is Avery about 1 week old. Just doing her tummy time.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Avery Rose

Who's your daddy?

Those first moments are so precious.


We sure miss this time of day.

This is Avery about 2 mins after she came out!!! Look how cute! And I dont know where she got those lips. I tell you what WOW!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Ok. So this whole blog thing is new for me, but it does seem like the best way to keep everyone posted on how we are doing. Just a little background info. Jeff and I met in Sacramento about 4 years ago. We dated for about 2 years and were married on Setpember 23, 2005 in the Oakland temple. We moved back to Hanford Ca (my home town) because Jeff got a job working at an insurance agency here. We spent 2 wonderful years together and then were blessed with a beautiful baby girl on September 6 and our lives have totally changed. We love her so much. Check her out!!!